Why Submission is Equal to Life or Death for Women

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This is an excerpt from a post taken from a blog named; unedited biblical submission definitely a blog worth checking out, written by a woman to women for women

Disclaimer: I do not know this woman or her husband I read through a couple posts and it seems on point IF this changes I will let you know and remove.

In the scriptures, the Father tells us to submit to our men as unto the Lord. How you treat your husband, whom is your master, is a reflection of how you will treat the Lord. Yahua created women for the man, to be a helper. He did not create man for the woman. Continuously the scriptures tell us to respect our husbands. Also to obey, reverence, be shamefaced, meek, and quiet. In the world today, it is common to hear that women should be confident, loud, aggressive, sexually loose, argumentative, and always voicing our opinion. All of this is the opposite of what the scriptures say. Women are not even supposed to speak during church service. Have we all forgotten the scriptures which say let the women learn in silence with all subjection? And let your women be silent in the churches , for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but to be in silence. We are to be quiet, meek, shamefaced, obedient, revering, humble, and serving our men. We are commanded to respect our husbands, which are our masters, lords, and kings. Yahushua is the head of your man. When you look at him, you are looking a Yahushua. When you talk to him, you are talking to Yahushua. The image of Yahushua. 1 Corinthians 11 states the order we are all to follow. Too many women want to overlook this scripture and go straight to the Father knocking down their husbands on the way. Talking bad about him in their heart, disrespecting him, yelling at him, telling him what to do. Yes, I know because I am guilty of doing the same. Once I understood that my man is a reflection of Yahushua to me on earth, I had to quickly assess what is was I was saying and doing to my master that was out of line and out of order. It’s easy to say in your heart, “my man is not doing right so it’s my job to correct him.” What you are saying is I don’t trust the heavenly Father, Yahushua is not doing right, and it’s my job to correct him.” The Father knew that some of us would come to Him before our husbands did. For this reason, he gave a scripture on how to conduct ourselves with unbelieving husbands. In 1 Peter 3, it tells us that we must be in subjection to our own husbands, that if any don’t obey the word, they will be won without a word while they behold our chaste conversation coupled with fear. I could imagine if you went to your man, and asked if you could start to biblically submit to him by calling him lord or master, and asked if you could bow to him, and serve him, and acknowledged that he is the leader and king of the home; and asked him how he felt about polygyny, and asked if he would like to marry other wives and concubines, while stating that you could help him look, and that he could run his household with them and you as he pleased- and that you would obey and be obedient. How do you think he would feel? Also, how do you think he would act if you told him you were doing all of this because of your new faith, and you wanted to learn to be the biblical woman your faith speaks of? I bet your man would be quick to take an extreme interest in the new faith you are surrendering to! We have to try to do what the word says. This is your chaste conversation coupled by fear. The Father is strong enough to work on changing your mans heart, however, He says it starts by your conduct and your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Submit to your husband, obey him, surrender your own will to align with his will. Acknowledge that you are his possession and created to be his helpmeet. See him as your king and leader. Submit to the fact that the home is his kingdom. Even if you are currently the breadwinner and the home owner or renter, it does not matter. It all starts with your submission. The Proverbs 31 woman was a working woman. Working does not give you the right to over step your place as his possession…….


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