Throughout the church worldwide the majority of believers live unknowingly by the laws of this world taking on the standards of this world unwittingly forsaking the biblical standards of YAH God that we are meant to live by.
As the quote from scripture above state very clearly we are either obeying YAH the true God of heaven and earth or obeying the god of this world
In this article we are going to look at the world’s definition of cheating vs the biblical definition of cheating in a marriage.
I can guarantee that a few eyebrows are going to be raised, but also that many marriages will be saved as couples are transformed as their minds are renewed.
Let’s start with the world’s definition of cheating
So we can see that cheating as defined by the world is someone being sexually unfaithful to their spouse, however, this is slightly different according to scripture.
Let us see what scripture says, as our final authority.
That word is used in the context of marriage relationships here in Paul’s first letter to the church/assembly of believers at Corinth.
As you can see the world definition of cheating and the biblical definition of cheating are completely different, the choice we have as believers is who we obey, whose standards we live by, because whoever we obey, whoever’s standard we live by we are their slave, we are the servant of whom we obey.
Far too many times I have heard Christians / Believers those who claim to be followers of Christ Jesus accusing their marriage partner of cheating when that is simply not the case according to scripture there are four possible outcomes either the woman has had sexual relations with another man which is adultery, the man is fornicating, the man has gained himself another wife, or, he has committed adultery with another man’s wife.
Cheating according to scripture is depriving your wife or your husband of their conjugal right.
So make time for each other because it is literally the command of God and will help to stop the enemy creeping in and leading astray.