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Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin [leading] to death, or of obedience [leading] to righteousness? — Romans 6:16 NKJV

If you have not read What Is The Meaning Of YAHites as yet I strongly suggest that you read it either before or directly after reading this.

So to find out why we as YAHites do not call or refer to ourselves as Christians let us start at the beginning.

…And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

Acts 11:26 KJV

So here we see the disciple Luke, who, writing years after the events that happened in Antioch, still referring to the disciples of YAHushuWaH the MessiYAH as disciples. This clearly lets us know that many years after the event the disciples were still referring to themselves as disciples and not as Christians.

We also see that the designation or name Christian was given to the disciples, by strangers, by people who who were not believers or disciples, in fact they were pagan worshippers as Antioch had a history of pagan worship. (see image below)


Click here to see the page of the image above in Wikipedia

Before I go any further I will ask you a couple a questions…

Would you allow your child to be named by strangers?
Would you allow yourself to be named by strangers?

These may seem like silly questions, but, as we go on you will see that this is exactly what has happened with the taking on of the name, the title, the designation of Christian.

So with literally billions throughout history calling themselves “Christian” across the earth let us compare and see how many times the word or name Christian appears in the bible and how many times the name of YAH appears.


The name / title Christian appears a grand total of THREE times throughout the bible in The Apostles Testimony aka New Testament

And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. — Acts 11:26 KJV

Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.” — Acts 26:28 NKJV

Yet if [any man suffer] as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. — 1 Peter 4:16 KJV

So that is it, a grand total of three times we find the name or title Christian being used.


It is common knowledge amongst biblical scholars that the name of YAH the creator of heaven and earth our father in heaven has been hijacked and replaced over 6500 times in the old testament / tanakh alone. But, here and now, we are looking at the Apostles Testimony aka the new testament.

So how many times does the name of YAH appear in the translations of the Apostles Testimony aka the new testament?

ZERO, NIL, NADA… The name of YAH appears nowhere “ in the translations ” of the writings of the apostles that testify of our lord and saviour


If we go to original writings we will see the name of YAH all over

  • Matthew = MattitYAHu
  • Israel = YAH-sa’ra-el
  • Jesus = YAHushuWaH
  • Christ = MessiYAH
  • Jew = YAHudi
  • The LORD = YAHuWaH

I could go on and on but that short list alone already doubles the total amount of times Christian(s) is used.

I would also suggest you go and have a read of 3 in 1 the Three bloodlines which will expand your understanding not only of scriptures but why we do not call ourselves Christians

As YAHites we designate and call ourselves by the name of our father in heaven.

For this cause I bow my knees


of our Lord Jesus Christ,


the whole family
in heaven and earth

Ephesians 3:14-15

If you look throughout the Bible it was customary for the father to name his child or even at times the mother.

  • What do you call yourself?
  • Whose family do you belong to?
  • Who is your father?

I will conclude in saying this, most Christians today have daddy issues, they don’t know who their father is, they don’t know what his name is and they reject his instructions.

This is one of the main reasons why the church with all the denominations is so fragmented, when the son of God and the apostles all spoke about love and unity.

If you do any study or any observation in life you will know that names are important and they can help define the characteristics of a person, with people even gaining nicknames because of their character. Which one could argue is what the name Christian is, a nickname, given by others outside of family. However, this in no way eliminates or removes the patrilineal name given by the father to his child.

Now you can make a choice whether to continue in the name and the characteristics of of those who named you Christian. Or, you can choose to take on the name of our father who is in heaven.

Now therefore, what have I here,” says YAHuWaH,
“That My people are taken away for nothing?
Those who rule over them
Make them wail,” says YAHuWaH,
“And My name [is] blasphemed continually every day. Therefore My people shall know My name;
Therefore [they shall know] in that day
That I [am] He who speaks:
‘Behold, [it is] I.’ ”

Isaiah 52:5-6

Shalom Love and Blessings

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