Contrary to popular opinion there is nowhere in the scriptures that States that we are meant to make believers into Christians. Jesus Christ / YAHushuWaH the MessiYAH commanded the apostles to go out and make DISCIPLES of all nations, how? By TEACHING believers to observe EVERYTHING that he had commanded (Matthew 28:18-20)
Fast forward two thousand years and believers are being taught ANOTHER gospel and ANOTHER YAHushuWaH / Jesus. (Galatians 1:6-9) (John 5:43)
So below are a few questions that you can use to gauge whether you are serving YAH the true and living God of the bible the creator of heaven and earth, and following his MessiYAH YAHushuWaH the MessiYAH aka Jesus Christ, OR, if you are serving and following satan.
Just because we are saved by grace through Faith it doesn’t give us a licence to continue sinning breaking the laws, Commandments of God (Romans 6:1-11)
Ok let’s go…
Do you keep Sunday as your sabbath day ?
If yes then this is your god
Do you keep the seventh day aka saturday as the Sabbath ?
If yes, then YAH is your God.
Do you live according to the law of bigamy which is forced monogamy, serial fornication and adultery?
If you do, then this is your god.
If you believe in biblical marriage
then YAH is your God
Do you love money?
Then this is your god
Do you love the disciples, the brethren, the church/ekklesia above money / wealth / riches?
Then YAH is your God
...more to come...