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Acts 10:26 KJV — But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I MYSELF ALSO AM A MAN.

I share this story to do the opposite of what the majority of the so called servants of God do

As I sat down half asleep after a long day, I received a message on my phone’s YouTube app. It was a picture of a Christian YouTuber clearly to me stating some nonsense about Hebrew Israelites and Jesus

My first thought was this guy is going to make a huge mistake and look like a fool sooner or later before his subscribers

So, I sent a friendly word of advice to stop pray and research before sending the video out ..

No sooner had I sent the message, I received a response

What’s he doing responding I asked myself. Is he defending this guy, I asked myself.

Until I scrolled up, and realized it was his channel and video, debunking the guy I thought I was giving some friendly advice to.

Needless to say I explained myself deleted the advice and laughed.

So why on earth would I share this.

Okay it wasn’t an error in the word like you may have thought.

I thought that it would make a good story to show and tell and prove that no matter how gifted, called, anointed and how blessed anyone is, at the end of the day we are just men

We are ALL brothers and sisters in Christ the MessIYAH and children of the most high YAH

People worship is rife and the desire of men to be worshipped adored and lifted up is on the increase

Let us lift up Jesus / YAHushua together as one.

Anyway check out the brothers channel he is definitely gifted and doing some good work, click link below

His site ThoughtsCameraAction.com

YouTube channel link below or click picture to check it out



Shalom love and blessings

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