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In mainstream Christian churches they use the following verse to back up their doctrine of Sunday worship

…And upon the first [day] of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight…

Disciple Luke Acts 20:7

Reading the above verse it would seem as if it’s clear cut as to which day we should assemble, if we are to follow the example of the apostles. However if we take a closer look at this verse we will see that all of christendom has been duped, deceived, hoodwinked, bamboozled, by seducing spirits promoting doctrines of devils.

In the original Septuagint the word day is not even included. In most King James version of the scriptures will have the word day in brackets of some sort, denoting it was added, so we can actually take it out completely.

There were actually only two words used there, which have been mistranslated into first (day) of the week those two words are as follows

STRONGS NT 1520: εἷςεἷς, μία, ἐν, genitive ἑνός, μιᾶς, ἑνός, a cardinal numeral, ONE


STRONGS NT 4521:  σάββατονσάββατον, σαββάτου, τό (Hebrew שַׁבָּת), found in the N. T. only in the historical books except twice in Paul’s Epistles; SABBATH

Now if we were to use the actual original words used in the Septuagint the verse would actually read more accurately as follows…

And upon ONE SABBATH, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight

Disciple Luke Acts 20:7

You see back in the time of the apostles, believers kept the Sabbath and assembled together in the evening to break bread which meant to have the Lord’s supper, bread and wine, to remember the death of YAHushua aka Jesus until he returns.

So that evening at the end of the Sabbath when Paul was speaking way into the night it was hot because of all the candles that they needed for light because it was dark when they had gathered together in the evening to break bread

And there were MANY LIGHTS in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together

Disciple Luke Acts 20:8 KJV

I could go on in detail to explain and show that it was the Pope, the Vatican, the Catholic church that changed the day of worship to Sunday from the Sabbath but just the fact that the Catholic church did not exist until approximately 400 years AFTER the Resurrection of Jesus Christ / YAHushua the MessiYAH, should, be enough to raise alarm bells in the mind of any rational lover of truth.

The fact it’s called the Lord’s SUPPER should indicate the timing and make you wonder why Christian churches instead mainly have the Lord’s BRUNCH.

If you keep Sunday as your day of worship regardless of what denomination you are in, regardless of what you believe, you are Catholic under the authority of the Vatican and the Pope is your vicar.


Catholic record
Just another day at the office for the boss of Sunday Sabbath inc

.. No man can serve two masters…

YAHushua aka Jesus

Now I know that there are excited Christians rushing to whip out Paul’s letter to the Romans to quote this specific verse..

…One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day [alike]. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind…

Apostle Paul writing to the church at Rome Rom14:5

My response to that is simple, Paul did not state that the Sabbath is done away with so I would ask you if that was the verse you are running to, did YAH ELOHIM GOD of Israel ever change the Sabbath to Sunday that he referred to as HIS Sabbath ?

And also, why were the apostles and disciples still keeping the Sabbath after the Resurrection?

The truth and the facts are very clear. If you are not continuing in the apostles doctrine and following the Apostles example of meeting on Sabbath/Saturday evenings like we at YAHites ministries do, breaking bread from house to house then, it’s time for you to repent and…

Be transformed by renewing Your mind….

The Apostle Paul


Continue steadfastly in the apostles doctrine in breaking of bread and prayers

Disciple Luke

Now my beloved brothers and sisters what say you…?

Shalom love and blessings

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