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Matthew 6:24 KJV

In this article I am going to lay out as succinctly as possible the difference between belonging to YAH The one true living GOD of ALL creation as opposed to belonging to Satan the god of this world


If you want a more detailed breakdown of what YAHite means then read the article here:

What is the Meaning of YAHites

Here is a short description of who YAHites are, as pertaining to disciple believers in Jesus / YAHushua.

YAHites are people who live by the laws statutes and commands of YAH* the one true GOD of the scriptures by his grace. We are disciples of the MessiYAH YAHushua aka Jesus Christ. We seek his kingdom authority, in, over and through our lives every day.

Remember the suffix “ites” or “ite” simply means belonging to, descendants of, family of etc “ite” being singular “ites” being plural.


(pronounced el-ites)

Now on the contrary ELites are people who live their lives, knowingly or unknowingly dedicated to bring about the kingdom of the EL that they serve, directly or indirectly, which ultimately is the satan.

For example, the majority of lower level Freemasons do not realise or understand that they are in a satanic organisation and that they are serving the purposes of satan and the anti MessiYAH. There are many organisations across the earth including organisations such as family planning, black lives matter etc that are guises for separate agendas, deceitfully using ignorant people ,in bringing about the will purpose and design of Satan’s Kingdom on earth,

On the flip side of that you have those who join satanic churches etc, those people are well aware who they serve and what they are doing.

Either way both sets of people are ELites

Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? — Romans 6:16

Thou shalt have no other gods (EL’s) before me.

Exodus 20:3

This is a direct command from YAH GOD.

The meaning is explicitly clear we are to have no other rulers that we obey, before, instead of, over or with YAH GOD

Which also includes calling on the name of any other gods to invoke favour or help or anything from them, let alone in exchange for, or in allegiance to them.

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. — Philippians 4:19

Not only has the enemy the devil deceived many into forsaking the name of YAH GOD. The enemy has also so cleverly structured the governmental, social, religious and financial systems in such a way, that many do not realise they are in obedience to and in allegiance with, the god of this world system.

For example, as a side note, were you aware that the Hippocratic oath is actually originally a pledge in the name off pagan deities? Probably not, because just like in the Bible, the names have been changed or taken out to protect the guilty. Check the images below. I have also saved the Wikipedia page if they ever take that truth out.

For this to be a thoroughly exhaustive expose on the elites it would be a near lifetimes work.

Thankfully you can simply go to Google news and type in “elites” and you will start to see patterns that when you dig deep enough will make your jaw drop.

Something else you can do is the next time you listen to news or reports on the media pay attention to when they bring up the word ‘elite’ or ‘elites’ because they are subtly telling you that the elites or worshippers of the el’s are involved

Side note

There is a reference in one of the apocryphal writings detailing why elites need to reveal who they are, and their plans, to have legal claim over the life of a man or woman who obeys them over YAH.

When I come across it again I will place it in the space below. When I first read it, I was quite literally in shock and amazement as my mind went through an ongoing relentless barrage of “NOW, that make sense” revelations.

Reference will be here ?

Ultimately, the best use of your time would be to Seek FIRST the kingdom of YAH and HIS righteousness.

Concluding Question

SO, to go back to the original title of this piece I ask you is there anyone or anything that you hold above YAH in your life?

…the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, YAH* KNOWS THEM THAT ARE HIS. And, Let every one that names the name of MessiYAH DEPART FROM INIQUITY.

2 Timothy 2:19 KJV

Shalom Love and Blessings

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