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John 15:8 KJV — Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit…

YAHushua The MessiYAH aka Jesus Christ

Being fruitful, bearing much fruit is one of the most basic teachings that every believer should be equipped with knowledge wisdom and understanding in.

Sadly the majority of believers live unfruitful lives as the prey of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Who devour their money their time and their energy.

Fellowshipping in sensual churches devoid of the living word, continually being hyped up on emotional messages and outlandish ungodly declarations and promises.

So in this message post I am going to give you the basic knowledge and instructions and how to be fruitful

What Jesus was stated the above scripture iwas the desire of YAH God from the beginning

Genesis 1:28 KJV — And God blessed THEM, and God said unto THEM, BE FRUITFUL…

And it is still the desire of YAH GOD today

Malachi 3:6 KJV — For I [am] YAH*, I change not…

Hebrews 13:8 KJV — Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.

So with that in mind let us proceed.

YAH GOD designed for man and woman to be fruitful TOGETHER

When Satan deceived the woman who was created and designed as the perfect help for man. He was literally attacking other fruit with his deceitful temptation.

…you shall be as gods…

Genesis 3:5 KJV —

It is this temptation that women still fall for today, and that men, not knowing their roll forsake the word of YAH for.

Man and woman are designed to be fruitful together. The woman helping the man in the area or areas that God has called him into.

Men you are meant to seek YAH hear from YAH and be led by YAH

Women you are meant to help your man to bear fruit.

In the same way that when a man and a woman have conjugal relations, the man plants a seed of life in a woman’s womb which then grows and is born. Hence the term fruit of the womb.

Psalm 127:3 KJV — Lo, children [are] an heritage of YAH: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.

The deep principles of your god the creator of heaven and earth have been hidden in plain sight

I will state again, man and woman are designed to bear fruit TOGETHER in the order and the manner that God intended

Children are one type of fruit that are to be born through the believers life, through man and women together.

The Master key to bearing much fruit is to be a disciple, to obey the commandments of YAH and to follow Jesus Christ keeping his words following his teachings. Living life as YAH God intended from the beginning

The key to being a disciple is to learn and obey

Matthew 11:29 KJV — TAKE MY YOKE upon you, AND LEARN OF ME; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

There is so much more that I have to tell you on this subject, that has not been spoken about and that has been hidden but as for now this will suffice.

John 15:8 KJV — Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; SO SHALL YE BE MY DISCIPLES.

Shalom love and blessings

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