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Genesis 3:1 ESV — …Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman…

It was sweet talk that allowed The Serpent to deceive the woman his allusions to attaining God like status was enough to tempt the woman to break the law of the Creator.

Thousands of years later women still fall for the same sweet talk and just like the woman end up with the bitter taste off pain

God created woman FOR MAN as the perfect HELP FOR MAN

Making a statement like that now gets a lot of women’s back up, because of how they view things should be.

In this age of feminism, womanism and gender equality, the order designed by God has been completely disrupted, dismantled and discarded even by churches or I should say especially by churches.

It’s for this cause that I write this article to help women understand not only how they were designed to function but also to help them understand how a man was designed to function. Hopefully this will help to stop women making mistakes, basing their decisions on Hollywood standards and romantic book fantasies.

I will break this into three key points for brevity, keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list but is a great foundation to stop making the same mistakes that have repeated and perpetuated since the Garden of Eden


Woman must make sure that there is space in a man’s life for her to fit in and help. The fact that God formed woman from the rib of a man meant that there was a space that she perfectly filled. As a woman you must be able to fill a space in that man’s life, if that helps him to accomplish something. Which in turn means that the man has to be wanting to accomplish or do something there must be some sort of movement or growth or vision in the man’s life


Women, you have to allow the man to give you that space to include you in his plans or whatever he is doing or wants to do, a woman is designed to hear from the man and agree with what what the man says and then move in harmony or assimilate. Too many women attempt to force their way into a man’s life and end up being ejected or rejected. Many women fall for Sweet words and grand promises but just because you have let him into your bed doesn’t mean he has let you into his life


Women, words have power especially to you. Women were designed to hear from and agree with man so be careful who you listen to and be careful of what is being said. You are really only designed to receive word relating to instruction guidance and teaching from one man and one man only

At the end of all the sweet talk and the grand promises if there is no commitment if there is no inclusion and if his words and his actions do not agree or line-up with each other, take a minute to think. Too many women give themselves to men who have no track record of committing to anything let alone to them. So at least consider and look into whether the man is committed to more than just pleasure

There is a reason that the wisest man who ever lived Solomon stated that a virtuous woman’s value is far above rubies. Solomon above all men knew that a good woman, a virtuous woman could help a man amass as many jewels as his heart desired

Many Ministries and Christian leaders across the earth and over many many years have taught considered and presented the song of Solomon as the perfect love story the perfect illustration of Christ and his church but what many do not realise is that the woman who is the object of such desire, affection and commitment is King Solomons 151st wife and I am not saying that Solomon had 150 divorces before her. She knew he had 150 wives and however many concubines but what she knew is that whom he loved he never forsook.

I guarantee that many if they knew that she was not his first wife, would probably glue those pages together so they would never have to read them.

But indeed, it is that type of love of that perfectly illustrates the love of Christ to us, the commitment that states emphatically

I will never leave you nor forsake you

The type of love that uses words that build a woman up and wash away all her hurts and the pains of the past. The type of love that keeps you safe and secure in his hands.

Shalom love and blessings beloved

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