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For God so LOVED the world, that he GAVE

YAHushua aka Jesus

As I woke up this morning my first thoughts were about love about the love of God about the love we have for God and about the love we have for one another.

I pondered on the fact that when you hear many people talking about intimate relationships many focus on what they want rather than on what they have to give or want to give. There is a disproportionate focus on what a person thinks they are entitled to from a relationship from the other person in the relationship.

The music industry grows ever more distant from The Love that God demonstrated for us. And it is no wonder that the prophets and the apostles instructed all who put their faith in the Messiah to be set apart

…it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy

Apostle Peter

So why am I linking love with holiness?

Well we need to be Set Apart in how we think about love how we operate in love, not in the same way or fashion that this world operates, promotes, sells and approves of, but in the way that God loved, the way that Christ the MessiYAH loves us

It means we look at what we can give, we look at, how, we can give rather than what we can get or what we’re not getting. We actively seek out ways in which we can give.

Now giving isn’t always material in the terms of gifts and money, but it could be time, support, etc etc however you are led to by our master and saviour the MessiYAH Jesus by his Holy Spirit

Take a moment just to think about the people who are in your life and ask yourself how can I love them better, how can I give, what can I give.

Shalom Love and Blessings