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The Bible and Scripture

Matthew 22:29-30 KJV — Jesus answered and said unto them, YE DO ERR, NOT KNOWING THE SCRIPTURES, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, BUT ARE AS THE ANGELS OF GOD IN HEAVEN.

YAHushua The MessiYAH aka Jesus Christ

This is one of the most fascinating verses in the Bible indeed as you will come to find out one of the most controversial statements of YAHushua aka Jesus recorded in the Gospels.

You see just about everything that was spoken off and recorded in the Gospels can be linked back to what we now call the old testament. Except for this passage. I have looked and cannot find anywhere in what we call the old testament, that this information is given by the prophets.

The King James version of the Bible has gone through lieu-dit different forms with books being put in and taken out. The contents of the King James version on the Bible was different to what we now hold to be the standard or what is commonly held to be accepted biblical standard

1611 King James Version of the bible
The 1611 King James version contents page of the Bible

If you want to check out a copy for yourself just click here

Now over 400 years later speak to 2 normal everyday Christian believers and the majority of layperson and ministers they will flat out reject what was originally considered scripture even though they were titled apocryphal

Here is what the Cambridge dictionary define apocryphal as…

So I ask you who is the greatest authority that ever walked the earth on what is and what is not Holy God breathed scripture?

We see in the scripture above the sadducees being told by the MessiYAH that they’re making a mistake, because they do not know the scriptures or the power of God

The real question is, if the information that Jesus stated here and that was witnessed and documented by two other disciples

Mark 12:24-25 KJV — And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God? For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; BUT ARE AS THE ANGELS WHICH ARE IN HEAVEN.

Luke 20:34-36 KJV — And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, NEITHER MARRY, NOR ARE GIVEN IN MARRIAGE: Neither can they die any more: FOR THEY ARE EQUAL UNTO THE ANGELS; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.

Where did YAHushua The MessiYAH aka Jesus Christ get this information or knowledge from?

What is YAHushua aka Jesus calling scripture that is not included in what we call scripture

I hope you are sitting down, now take a deep breath….

…and He answered and said to me, and I heard His voice: ‘Fear not, Enoch, thou righteous man and scribe of righteousness: approach hither and hear my voice. And go, say to the Watchers of heaven, who have sent thee to intercede for them: “You should intercede” for men, and not men for you: Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and eternal heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and DONE LIKE THE CHILDREN OF EARTH, and begotten giants (as your) sons? And though ye were holy, spiritual, living the eternal life, you have defiled yourselves with the blood of women, and have begotten (children) with the blood of flesh, and, as the children of men, have lusted after flesh and blood as those also do who die and perish. THEREFORE HAVE I GIVEN THEM (MAN) WIVES also that they might impregnate them, and beget children by them, that thus nothing might be wanting to them on earth. But you were formerly spiritual, living the eternal life, and immortal for all generations of the world. 7AND THEREFORE I HAVE NOT APPOINTED WIVES FOR YOU; FOR AS FOR THE SPIRITUAL ONES OF THE HEAVEN, IN HEAVEN IS THEIR DWELLING.

Enoch 15

There you have it in the book of Enoch the information. That YAHushua The MessiYAH aka Jesus Christ referred to as scripture.

Shalom love and blessings

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